Friday 9 October 2015

'71 Official Trailer Analysis

This trailer gives a good sense of what happens in the film and provides details about the plot. In the two and a half minutes that the trailer goes on for it still delivers the idea that the film is a action/thriller,who the main characters are,the obstacles they have to face and their development through the film.After watching this film trailer you can clearly understand the idea of the film plot and the overall tone it will set.

They designed this trailer to make you feel like you need to know what happens as they show you the storyline but decline to discuss the finale. We get to know him a little bit therefore we cant leave his story being unanswered as they really emphasize the danger the main character (Gary) will face. The trailer sells the whole film and can definitely persuade the viewers to watch it. Not only do they leave you wanting more; they put in one worded reviews towards the ending of the trailer to push you even further into it.

This story includes lots of different characters that are significant but the main character, Jack O'Connell as Gary Hook, is most important as the plot evolves around him. Therefore he gets a lot of screen time throughout the duration of the trailer. But there are still other actors that can further clue you in on the nature of the film itself and are introduced into the trailer which can show their own importance in the film.

The editing of this trailer gives us short,snappy and exciting clips to get us really intrigued about the film. They fade clips in and out to a black screen which gives the effect that this is a drama as well as everything being a crazy thriller and action packed movie. They have also included some music and sound effects which are slow and relaxed which is the opposite to how they are putting the film across, so it makes us even more interested.

This trailer definitely gives a good overview of the actual film as its shows a lot of action and drama, but not enough to give away the whole film away. The beginning of the trailer shows quite a bright and happy atmosphere when Gary is with his brother, but as the camera is hand held its shows the scene as wobbly and unsteady which foreshadows what will happen next.It shows a clip of the sergeant telling them their mission which lets the audience know what is happening. It then follows on to violent clips of the Irish community getting angered as well as the chase scene. Right from the beginning the trailer is gripping which makes you want to watch it to find out what happens and if he survives. It firmly holds you into what's going on as there are so many things happening,its hard not to.

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